Thursday, February 7, 2013

"The inclusive Word can't be shared by an exclusive people"

  For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. -2Tim.1:7
After taking a year to reevaluate & get reassurance about starting a special needs ministry, it seems like everywhere I turn in the past 3wks something else is falling into place. I picked up the Daily Bread devotional tonight & guess what it's about ;) ...titled "Guest List" it talks about a self-proclaimed, "spiritual elite" community who would not allow the disabled into their community. There conviction was that anyone with a physical "blemish" was unclean. While this ritualized community was waiting for the arrival of Messiah, ironically Jesus was at work in the cities & villages & He proclaimed, "When you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. And you will be blessed" (Luke 14:13-14). The contrast between Jesus' words and the guest list of the "spiritual elite" is instructive to us. Often we like to fellowship with people who look, think, and act like us. We are called to open our doors to everyone --Dennis Fisher

The inclusive Word can't be shared by an exclusive people.
-George Sweeting

We are not blind, we know the truthStill we don't stand, still we don't chooseWe'd rather stay, so comfortableStuck in our world under control

We may not pull the trigger but weStand by and watch then pretend not to seeSilence is worse then evil doneWhat in the world have we become?

Can't you see that this is war so pick your side?It's time to move not time to hideDon't let lies make up your mind'Cause can't you see we're running out of time?

Tomorrow will come and one day we'll seeThe choices we made, made historyBefore it's to late find where you standLet's use our voice while we still can

Can't you see that this is war so pick your side?It's time to move not time to hideDon't let lies make up your mind'Cause can't you see we're running out of time?

Running out of timeRunning out of time

Can't you see that this is war so pick your side?It's time to move not time to hideDon't let lies make up your mind'Cause can't you see we're running out of time?