Monday, May 27, 2013


Life balance... HA!!  what the heck does that mean!  It seems like the harder I try to schedule things out, color-code priorities on my calendar, prepare, & find some sort of balance- the faster the "mean kid" spins me on this merry-go-round ride gone wild.  I don't know about you guys, but I really struggle with self-leadership... it looks good on paper, but when I go to live it out it looks more like controlled chaos (maybe the word "controlled" is a little too lenient ;s )  The Good Idea Fairy visits me far too frequently during the day.  I need to create a "no admittance" sign for my brain... seriously.  

This past week I've been talking over health issues with a friend and the effects it has on our emotional & spiritual state which just in turn affects our physical state even more, it's a vicious cycle.  It's so easy to get caught up in our heads & question things when we don't understand! (Prov 3:5-6) Yesterday I was sicker than sick, couldn't-get-out-of-bed-sick and all I could think about was, what is the purpose of this?!?  What an incredibly huge waste of time!!  (Those of you who KNOW me, can probably see the veins popping out of my forehead lol)  Ugh, I am such a mess!  There were a gazillion things I could've done!  ALL, SELF-IMPOSED THINGS.  Did you get that?  How many times do I wake up thinking about what "I" believe needs done for the day or to prepare for future goals? (we'll just say too many)

Dealing with what goes on inside my mind, the "head games", is a lot like a version of Deer Hunter.  When the lies & negativity start charging at me, I better be armed & ready to shoot back with some truth before I get trampled in a stampede of doubt.  The more we take time to absorb, meditate, & apply God's Word to our lives... the quicker we are able to counteract the blows.  

So yesterday, my out-of-control sick day, I think was a reminder that sometimes we just need to "BE STILL", let go & let God, & stop trying to control what isn't ours to control.  That "mean kid" that's been spinning me around... it's ME.  

I recently got to listen to Jim Wideman at the Orange Conference about the art of self-leadership.  He called it the "H" Factors.  
Heart- guard your heart (Prov. 4:23) take time with God, it's like a checkbook... you gotta make deposits before you can write checks.  
Home- most important institution, protect it! it comes before the church(Eph 5:19),impress(intentional consistent behavior)Deut 6
Health- take time to take care of yourself -1Cor 6:19
Head- be aware of your thinking, actions are born there, strongholds(perceived) can hold you back (Phil 4:8), take every thought captive (2Cor 10:5), you can't control what happens in life, but you do control how you respond.
Hours- how are you spending your time? identify time-wasters, maintain order(Prov 28:2)

I may or may not put this into practice on a daily basis, it is my hope that I will... but let's face it, this is Beth we are talking about.  I am bound to screw up a time or two ;)  It is a great tool to evaluate what we are allowing to be most important in our lives.  Right now, I am feeling that I have let all areas sit on the back burner to stew & fester.  I have put too much emphasis & time into outside "good" things.  I need to trust the timing of the One who knows the RIGHT timing.  "As for God—His way is perfect; the Word of the LORD proves true; He is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him" (Ps. 18:30)
"...for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances" (Phil 4:11).  (Phil 4:6-7) "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

We also learned at the Orange Conference, DON'T BE SO SERIOUS!!  I am such a repeat offender of this, I tend to be a researcher & forget to shut off the "learn switch" & let the quirky, goof come out of her cage & just have some fun :D  Sooo shut off your brains people... once in a while, be still, & DON'T BE SO SERIOUS!!