Friday, October 19, 2012

Autism- "ask me, know me, accept me"

Great workshop yesterday with Pathfinders for Autism. A nice reminder that if you have a non-verbal child/adult, behavior is there first line of communication. This can even be true of verbal individuals on the Spectrum. Don't assume it is attention-getting or just a classic autistic behavior, rule out pain first...there could be an underlying medical cause. If he/she is hitting at their head, could it be a headache? Tugging at their clothes or refusing to eat a certain food or go into a store?  Think sensory overload, their nervous system is overwhelmed & highly sensitive causing a great deal of discomfort & even severe pain.

Another great reminder, be careful what you say or do in front of your Autistic individual. Whether you think they understand or not, they are processing that information & may not say or show a response but you will be amazed at what they retain. "You will reap what you sow." One of the speakers shared an example of her 19yr old son who is non-verbal. Every morning for as long as she can remember she told him, "you are so smart & handsome!" A few years ago at school he was asked to do a writing assignment describing himself.  He wrote, "I am smart, I am handsome!" I don't know about you, but that is too cool!

Lastly, some encouragement they shared in working with newly diagnosed families. They always say, "don't get down or disappointed with this diagnosis. You have an amazingly intelligent & intriguing person in your care that will touch so many lives & do amazing things in this world!" It is so true! The speaker again shared an example of her non-verbal son, that on the outside it seems like he just has behaviors & not able to communicate but if you take time to "ask him, know him, & accept him" you will learn that he has likes & interests the same as you & he can read in 12 different languages! How amazing!! It is a challenging journey & life as you know it may have to be redefined, but you will be a better person through it :)

Check out their website for tips, resources, & events. A link to their site is available on, a local non-profit that we are involved with providing local resources & upcoming events & workshops.

here's something to smile about:

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