Sunday, April 7, 2013


I am officially at that place where tax season is coming to a close, school is near end, & my patience level resembles a withered dandelion with all its wishies blown away :/ lol, blah...I take my hat off to people who work full-time, have kids, & a nutty social schedule.  It makes me act like a rebellious child sometimes. There are sooo many things I really want to do... I want to do some writing, read the stack of books that tease me every time I walk by, organize my house (did I just admit that?), get some research done... the list goes on.  

So since my brain just wants to cramp every time I think, it's intermission time this month. We get to go down memory lane & reminisce on one of the many many many crazy moments during deployment. Enjoy the show ;)

a DeLauter all in bed early, italian ice is calling my name. On my way to the freezer I hear little boys laughing and carrying on down the hall...I go back to check it out and ALAS!! Thing 1 and Thing 2 are rolling on the floor among millions of tiny, static-clingy, white styrofoam balls. My OCD twitch is kicking in as Gavyn the Snowman shouts "I'm so excited!!" ...I mutter a, "Really???" :/ After a good hour of sucking up millions of the worst creation on the planet from every orifice of their room and us, all the while mentally nominating the toy company for my sarcastic super genius award, the air kicks on... and much to my surprise, round 2 just began :/ Dear toy company, I am not thinking kind things.

We can laugh at it now ;D

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