Thursday, January 9, 2014

iKeA tHrOw PiLlOwS (a completely random post)

I may have a slight addiction to Ikea throw pillows …psht!   In my defense, on one trip to Ikea Funland… I managed to walk away pillow-less :O (only because the pillow police aka, my husband, was with me).  He just doesn't understand their purpose.  In fact, he believes they serve no purpose.  This post will serve to dissuade that way of thinking.

So why?  First thing that comes to mind,  it is a quick fix to my suppressed creative side ...granted, it's self-inflicted… eh, it still counts ;)

It makes anything look & feel more inviting…
 nah… I still hate doing the laundry

Last shot… when your kids' behavior & your emotions resemble "a chameleon in a bag of skittles", your pillow(s) are right there waiting for you to scream into them, hit them, & secretly cry into them (not that I do that).   They don't pass judgment… no matter what, they are always there making your surroundings look happier, ready to give you a hug, make you feel comfortable, & let you rest your weary head on them… THERAPY!!      


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