Friday, September 21, 2012

agape or "es-cah-pay"

another Facebook post from the summer... something I could probably use to read everyday as quickly as I give in to reacting instead of stepping back... I'm learning ;)

if/then love vs. unconditional(agape)love- many of us, at one point or another, have a self-serve love mentality. If you do this for me, then I will be loving, kind, & "maybe" giving back to you ;P If you read my mind on where I want to go for dinner, or read my mind about the gift I've been wanting for my birthday, then you must be the most amazing, telepathic husband on earth and you earn the "no-nag card" for a day.  Lol...yes, I'm making fun of my immaturity at the early stages of marriage. Cut me some slack I was a young bride. My excuse now is I'm human & yes, I screw up ;) The point is it is selfish & doesn't satisfy "The Golden Rule"...paraphrased, "treat others the way you want to be treated."

Unconditional(Agape)love- (pronunciation rhymes with Dory's pronunciation of escape,
"es-cah-pay" on Finding Nemo, which is ironically exactly what you feel like doing when you don't feel love) The best definition I know is from the HAPC volunteer handbook on 1Cor.13..."love bears all things (never gives up on any individual), because love believes (has confidence in the all-sufficient grace of God. No matter what the dilemma or sin, God is greater), as love believes & has confidence in God's ability to miraculously change a life, this gives hope despite the person or situation. Because love believes, love has hope, & because love has hope, love can endure all things, & when love endures, love never fails (agape, unconditional)!! This really helped me to see my marriage, my kids, & well everybody through God's eyes. 

Adam and I have experienced a lot of situations throughout our marriage, we've had highs & lows & then some ;) God has shown His mercy time & time again & not only brought us through, but given us an agape love!! The world's statistics say 1 in 10 military marriages end in divorce & the rate for special needs parents is around 85-90%.  We're beating the odds everyday :D Mark 9:23 says..."all things are possible to him who believes." Just like anything else, we have to choose it & take action & be self-less, not selfish.

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