Sunday, September 23, 2012

"constructive criticism"

Another FB post, a good reminder for my amnesia-like mind ;)

As a Momma of special needs children I am no stranger to getting "the eye" in public, or the occasional "constructive criticism" on how I should be disciplining more to fix the behavior or other such things. Living this long enough I know that they just haven't been blessed with the opportunity to understand the truth & I no longer feel the urge to smack them around ;) (Thank you Jesus). What looks like an all-out tantrum to them is really my son responding in pain to the fluorescent lighting & the whirring noises it makes or other triggers. 

On another note, accepting help in-home, stirs a bit of anxiety beings this recovering OCD perfectionist has no choice but to accept where we are in life (again, Thank you Jesus) a military, special needs family of six. Things can't be just so & that's okay...I am learning to be at peace with that, cuz we have bigger fish to fry. Still working on letting go of other people seeing & thinking I'm going be judged when, most of the time, it is really just my assumption or that I'm judging myself. 

Now for confidence, I am very comfortable working behind the scenes. God has other plans it seems. I've had to work through some past experiences & learn to advocate (stand up for what is true & right)& claim confidence in who I am in Christ. Best example coming to mind is Francesca Battistelli's lyrics..."I've got a couple dents in my fender, got a couple rips in my jeans. Trying to fit the pieces together but perfection is my enemy. On my own I'm so clumsy but on His shoulders I can see...I'm free to be me."

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